Tiny Tales

36: What Happened That Night

R. E. Rule (Writer) & Frank Nawrot (Composer/Audio Engineer)

Clarence encounters a terrified young woman on the road and is swept into her bloody tale.

Narration by James Barnett
from The Night's End podcast. Visit nightsendpodcast.com or follow on Instagram @nightsendpodcast & Facebook @nightsendpod

Other Voices in Order of Appearance:
R. E. Rule (rerulewrites.com)
Frank Nawrot (franknawrot.com)
Dutcher Snedeker (dutchersnedeker.com)
Gretchen Pille (gretchenpille.com)

Music by Frank Nawrot and Amy Beach
featuring James Alexander on cello

Production by Frank Nawrot

Production Assistants:

Matthew Ferrandino
John C. L. Jansen (johnjansenmusic.com)

What Happened That Night was written by R. E. Rule

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